In the past 10 or 20 years a few companies
have radically transformed their business performance. Many of the concepts
& methods they have used are now collectively called “Total Quality “ or
“Total Quality Management “. Many other terms have also been used. These
includes, “business transformation, performance excellence, business excellence
& six sigma”. The success of these companies has dramatically changed how
they & others are both quality & business management today. They are
rethinking how they are organized, how they manage themselves & even what
business they should be in.
In JUE’s view, TQM is a management approaches
that strives for the following in any business.
1.Under strong top management
leadership, establish clear mind and long term
vision and strategies.
2.Properly utilize the concepts, values
and scientific method of TQM.
3.Regard human resources and
information as vital organizational
4.Under the appropriate management
system effectively operate a quality
assurance system and other cross functional management system such as
delivery, environment and safety.
5.Supported by fundamental organization
power such as core technology, speed
and vitality ensures sound relationship with
suppliers and stockholders.
6.Contineously realized corporate
objectives in the forms of achieving an
organizations mission building an organization with a respectable
presence and
continuously securing profits.
Deming’s philosophy
World War II Dr. Deming taught SQC as a part of wartime production effort. In
addition he taught SPC concept and importance of qualities to the leading CEO’s
of Japanese industry.
Deming is credited with providing the foundation of Japanese foundation of
quality miracle. He developed following points for management, for improvement
of quality, productivity and competitive position
1. Create and publish the aims and purpose
of organization.
2. Learn the new philosophy.
3. Understand the purpose of inspection.
4. Stop awarding business based on price
5. Improve constantly and forever the
6. Institute training.
7. Teach and institute leadership.
8. Drive out fear, create trust and create
climate innovation.
9. Optimize the efforts of team, group and
staff areas.
10. Eliminate exhortations for the work
11. a. Eliminate numerical quotas for the work
b. Eliminate management by objective.
12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of
13. Encourage education and
self-improvement for everyone.
14. Take action to accomplish the
The TQM implementation process begin
with senior management and most important, the COE’s commitment. Leadership is
essential during every phase of the implementation process and particularly at
the start .The lack of involvement by senior management fails quietly
improvement .If the senior management not educated then he should visit
successful TQM organization. Due to change in senior management and reorganization
problems are created, which may be postponed to a more favorable time.
The next step in formation of quality
council and there must be development of core values, vision statement, quality
policy statemement with input forms all personnel should be completed first
The active involvement of middle
managers & first line supervisor is essential for achieving objectives
otherwise TQM may fail. If there is a union manager should involve union lead
with implementation plans for TQM .At this stage entire communication
organization is necessary to create TQM awareness, interest and action
Customer, employee &supplier survey
must require to get ideas for quality improvement projects. The quality council
determines and establishes the quality improvement project. The organization
has to be a patient and not rush
1.Statistical process control (SPC).
2.Quality system.
3.Bench marking.
4.Quality functional development(QFD).
5.Quality by design.
6.Experimental design.
7.Product liability.
8.Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).
9.Tool productive maintenance
10.ISO 14000.
11.Management tool.
1. Force field analysis.
2. Nominal group techniques.
3. Affinity diagrams.
4. Interrelationship diagraph (ID).
5. Tree diagram.
6. Matrix diagram.
7. Prioritization matrices.
8. Process design program chart.
9. Activity network diagram.
The total quality infrastructure
consists of several key pieces. The first and one of the most important is the
quality systems. The best defined by ISO standard 9004-1,the quality system is
a critical building block for total quality management.
A good quality system also contains customer supplier partnership .ISO 9000 standard provides contractual relationship by adding a solid management structure. To achieve quality improvement at a revolutionary pace ,we must also total organization involvement. Key element of the infrastructure is measurement & information .The last & perhaps most important part of the infrastructure is education & training. Organization must train the teams in how to work as a team & in how to diagnose problem & provide remedies. The training should be designed to help the teams complete these projects quickly & successfully.
1. Reduces the no. of engineering changes
required .
2. Reduces product development time.
3. Lower start up costs.
4. Reduced warranty.
5. Greater customer satisfaction.
6. Increased co-operation & teamwork
between departments.
7. Well-documented project history &
information base.
8. High revenue.
9. Empowered employees.
10. Good alignment & linkages.
11. Quality improvement can be possible.
12. Quality planning & quality
controlling can be possible.
1. Management does not devote sufficient
resources to training & developing its personal.
2. Management has insisted that the
process is implemented in a manner that employees find acceptable.
3. Upper management does not devote enough
time to issue.
4. Decision making authority is not
delegated to lower level in the organization.
1. Lack of proper management.
2. Inability to change organizational
3. Improper planning.
4. Lack of continuous training &
5. Incompatible organizational structure.
6. Ineffective measurement techniques.
1. TQM focuses as a minimum standard
2. TQM focuses people attention on
internal process rather then external result
3. TQM develops its own cumbersome
4. TQM does not demand radical
organizational reform
5. TQM does not demand entirely new
relationships with outside partners
TQM has no place for