Monday, 19 August 2013

Coal Gasification

       Around 35% of total energy is obtained by coal in world. Present use of coal is inefficient and polluting. Hence there is need for technologies for utilization of coals efficiently and cleanly, substitution of lesser reserves of oil and gas with abundantly available coals and prolonging the reserves of all the fossil fuels for use of future generations. These requirements can be met through application of coal gasification technology.
       Rather than burning coal directly, coal gasification reacts coal with steam and controlled amounts of air or oxygen under high temperatures and pressures to produce a gaseous mixture, typically hydrogen and carbon monoxide. These hot, coal gases exiting the gasifier are used to power a gas turbine (in the same manner as natural gas). Hot exhaust from the gas turbine is then fed to a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The steam from the HRSG is then fed to a conventional steam turbine, producing a second source of power (just as in a combined cycle plant).
         Coal gasification is not only used for power generation but also it can become source of synthetic oil, coal chemicals, natural gas substitution. Also it can be used for development of the fuel cell. Thus coal gasification become member of clean coal technology with other advantages.
           This report gives principle and implementation of coal gasification with development of coal gasification for fuel cell. Report describes how coal gasification is beneficial to India & difficulties in its implementation.
                The gasification process converts any carbon-containing material into a synthesis gas composed primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which can be used as a fuel to generate electricity or steam or used as a basic chemical building block for a large number of uses in the petrochemical and refining industries. Gasification adds value to low- or negative-value feedstock by converting them to marketable fuels and products.
                 Gasification technologies differ in many aspects but share certain general production characteristics. Typical raw materials used in gasification are coal, petroleum based materials (crude oil, high sulfur fuel oil, petroleum coke, and other refinery residuals), gases, or materials that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. The feedstock is prepared and fed to the gasifier in either dry or slurried form. The feedstock reacts in the gasifier with steam and oxygen at high temperature and pressure in a reducing (oxygen starved) atmosphere. This produces the synthesis gas, or syngas, made up primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (more than 85% by volume) and smaller quantities of carbon dioxide and methane.
                 The high temperature in the gasifier converts the inorganic materials in the feedstock (such as ash and metals) into a vitrified material resembling coarse sand. With some feedstocks, valuable metals are concentrated and recovered for reuse. The vitrified material, generally referred to as slag, is inert and has a variety of uses in the construction and building industries.
                 Gas treatment facilities refine the raw gas using proven commercial technologies that are an integral part of the gasification plant. Trace elements or other impurities are removed from the syngas and are either recirculated to the gasifier or recovered. Sulfur is recovered either in its elemental form or as sulfuric acid, both marketable commodities.
                 If the syngas is to be used to produce electricity, it is typically used as a fuel in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power generation configuration.
                 IGCC is the cleanest, most efficient means of producing electricity from coal, petroleum residues and other low- or negative-value feedstocks. The combined cycle system has two basic components. A high efficiency gas turbine, widely used in power generation today, burns the clean syngas to produce electricity. Exhaust heat from the gas turbine is recovered to produce steam to power traditional high efficiency steam turbines.
                The syngas can also be processed using commercially available technologies to produce a wide range of products, fuels, chemicals, fertilizer or industrial gases. Some facilities have the capability to produce both power and products from the syngas, depending on the plant’s configuration as well as site specific technical and market conditions.
                            Coal gasification is an old and well-known technology, which was commercially used in many countries.  But due to availability of abundant natural gas and crude oil, this technique was neglected by mid 50’s. Due to rapid depletion of crude oil and natural gas resources the coal gasification attracted renewed interest and again large numbers of countries are using this technique.   
                             The principle of coal gasification is, when coal is brought into contact with steam and controlled amount of oxygen under high temperature and pressure, thermo chemical reaction occur and produce a fuel gas, which consists of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
                             The heat and pressure break the chemical bond in coals complex molecular structure, which then reacts with steam and oxygen to form coal gas, which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.


             Integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generating systems are presently being developed and operated in Europe and USA.
                  In an integrated, coal gasification combined cycle plant, both a high temperature gas turbine using a Bray ton cycle and a lower temperature steam turbine using a Rankine cycle are used to generate electricity more efficiently. Crushed coal is first gasified by reacting it with a mixture of air or oxygen and high temperature steam to form a "syngas" fuel consisting mostly of CO, H2, N2, and CO2. This gas is then cooled, cleaned, and reheated using hot gas exiting the gasifier in a gas-to-gas heat exchanger. Next the gaseous fuel is combusted to turn a compressor and a gas turbine to generate electricity. The compressor has a dual role. It pressurizes air for combustion in the gas turbine and provides heated compressed air to use in the gasification process. The exhaust gas from the gas turbine is still very hot and is subsequently used to produce steam in another heat exchanger. This steam turns a steam turbine to produce additional electricity.
                Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) systems meet the challenge of supplying energy cleanly and efficiently. The systems are successful at removing sulfur dioxide (SO2), reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, and removing particulate matter. At the same time, IGCC efficient levels top 42% and continue to increase along with advances in gas turbine technology.
One of the gasification technology developed in the U.S.A. is given below:
                              IGCC systems are extremely clean, and more efficient than traditional coal-fired systems. The systems replace the traditional coal combustor with a coal gasifier that is coupled with an advanced gas turbine. The result is an integrated gasification combined-cycle configuration that provides ultra-low pollution levels & system efficiency.
                                         In an IGCC system (as shown in figure), coal is converted into a gaseous fuel that after cleaning is comparable to natural gas. The process eliminates 99% of the coal's sulfur. An additional process further cleans the hot gas, and then it is forwarded to the gas turbine. Also, exhaust heat from the gas turbine is used to produce steam for a conventional steam turbine. This results in two cycles of electric power generation.
                                   The IGCC systems that are available commercially have demonstrated exceptional environmental performance. SO2 and NOx emissions are less than one-tenth of that allowed by New Source Performance Standards limits.
 Moreover, IGCC efficiency levels top 40%. Modern coal-burning plants that employ flue gas desulphurization processes reach a maximum of 34% efficiency.
                 IGCC technology brings many advantages to an energy-hungry but cost-conscious world:
              The efficiency level of a power plant is the ratio of the quantity of electrical energy produced per quantity of coal energy used to create it. Over the last fifty years, conventional coal-fired plants have been able to increase efficiency by only about 9% to achieve a maximum level of 34%. With the advent of IGCC systems, coal-fired plants can realistically expect to attain efficiency levels of up to 45% by the turn of the century. Industry analysts anticipate that IGCC systems based on advances in gas turbine technology will experience net system efficiencies of 52% as early as the year 2010. In less than half a decade, IGCC technology promises to raise efficiency levels by more than twice the amount achieved over the last half century!

  1. IGCC systems meet all EPA constraints concerning power generation. In an IGCC system 99% of the coal's sulfur is removed before combustion, NOx is reduced by over 90%, and CO2is cut by 35%. IGCC systems offer significant reductions in CO2 emissions per unit of power produced, because their higher efficiency means that less coal must be burned to produce each unit of power. When combined with the fuel cell systems of the future, IGCC technology will further reduce CO2 emissions. This environmental performance matches or exceeds that of alternate energy sources.
  2. Reusable process media remove sulfur from the coal-derived gas prior to combustion in the gas turbine. By contrast, plants that employ flue gas desulfurization techniques as well as fluidized-bed power plants use limestone, dolomite, or other sulfur sorbents. These substances require disposal.
  3. The water required to operate an IGCC plant is only 50 to 70% of the quantity required to run a pulverized coal plant with a flue gas desulfurization system.


  • The IGCC process generates a minimum of waste. Moreover, the by-products produced by the process have marketability. Sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur are two primary by-products for which there is market demand. Ash and any trace elements that have melted become an environmentally safe, glass-like slag once they are cooled. That slag is useful to the construction and cement industries.
  • In addition to producing electricity, the coal gasification process is easily diverted to co-produce such products as methanol, gasoline, urea for fertilizer, hot metal for steel making, and assorted chemicals.


  • IGCC offers low cost electricity. Currently, the cost of IGCC-generated electricity is comparable to that produced by conventional coal plants. By 2010 IGCC plants will produce power at a rate of 75% of the cost incurred by conventional plants.
  • The components of the IGCC system are modular. This permits a user to integrate the technology into an existing system. Installation can proceed in blocks ranging in size from 100 to 450 megawatts. The staged additions can be designed to match one or more steam generators and the resulting system will have two-and-a-half times its previous generating capacity. As advanced turbine systems evolve, the capacity of single units will increase, and the trend will be to add large-capacity modules.
  • IGCC technology provides flexibility to power producers because the combined-cycle portion of the process can be fueled by natural gas, oil, or coal. A plant can switch to coal from natural gas as gas becomes unavailable or unacceptably expensive. In addition, most gasifier systems are easily adapted to different coals.
·         As much as 98% of sulfur and other pollutants can be removed
     And processed into commercial products such as chemicals and
     Fertilizers. Unreacted solids can be collected and marketed as a       
     Co-product such as slag (used, for example, in road building).


          The current capital cost of building an IGCC power plant is as low as $1,500 per kilowatt. Improvements in hot gas desulfurization and hot gas particulate removal will lower this figure to $1,200 per kilowatt within the next five years. Continued technological advances will cause the capital cost to drop as low as $1,050 per kilowatt by 2010. This is 75% of the cost of electricity produced from current conventional power plants.
          IGCC systems are unique in the manner by which they meet the demands of utility growth patterns. A first-phase installation might include only a gas turbine, operating as a simple natural-gas-fired cycle that will yield about two-thirds of the plant's ultimate capacity. Addition of a steam turbine would create a combined cycle with full capacity. A third phase would integrate the gasifier and gas cleanup systems.


          Advanced power generation technologies such as IGCC will be responsible for the continuing preference of electric power producers for coal. There are several IGCC demonstration projects that show conclusively how successfully the system operates and how effectively it can be maintained. Industry experts predict that coal will remain the most economical, long-term fuel of choice for electricity production throughout the world. Already the prices of coal and electricity have, in real terms, declined throughout the 1980s. When one compares environmental benefits, efficiency levels and costs, IGCC technology scores higher than many other advanced technologies that will be available to energy producers for the next several decades.

                 PSI Energy and Destec Energy have joined forces in Indiana to upgrade an existing plant using advanced IGCC gasifier technology. The joint venture, part of DOE's Clean Coal Technology Program, has repowered one of six units at PSl's Wabash River plant with a 262-megawatt system. The project, funded 50 percent by DOE, is demonstrating Destec's oxygen-blown, two-stage entrained-flow gasifier with hot particulate cleanup, which produces a medium-Btu syngas from high-sulfur bituminous coal.
                 In Reno, Nevada, Sierra Pacific has chosen to install an IGCC system to meet anticipated load growth, citing the technology's advantages of flexibility, diversity, and reliability. General Electric's gas turbine and KRW's air-blown fluidized-bed gasifier will be used, with hot gas cleanup using in-bed sulfur capture process, ceramic filters, and external desulfurization. The plant will process low-sulfur western coal. The Nevada utility and DOE are sharing the costs of the project, which was initiated in 1992.
                 Tampa Electric in Lakeland, Florida, is building a 250-megawatt IGCC facility as part of a major expansion over the next decade. The system will consist of Texaco's oxygen-blown gasification technology, paired up with General Electric's power generation equipment. It will also incorporate an innovative hot gas cleaning system. The plant will process 2,300 tons per day of bituminous coal, using a moving-bed desulfurizer, integrated air separation, and parallel hot and cold gas cleanup.

Pioneering Gasification Plants

                 As early as the 1890s, lamplighters once made their rounds down the streets of many of America's largest cities lighting street lights fuel by "town gas," the product of early and relatively crude forms of coal gasification. (Town gas is still used extensively in some parts of the world, such as China and other Asian countries). Once vast fields of natural gas were discovered and pipelines built to transport the gas to consumers in the 1940s and 50s, the use of town gas phased out.
                 In the 1970s, interest in coal gasification revived, due largely to concerns that the U.S.'s supply of natural gas was waning.
                 The massive Great Plains Coal Gasification Plant in Beulah, North Dakota, was built with federal government support to use coal gasification to create methane, the chief constituent of natural gas that could be fed into nearby commercial gas pipelines. When government price controls on natural gas were lifted, however, large quantities of natural gas became available, and no other coal-to-methane gasification plants have been built to date in the United States.
                Coal gasification, however, likely found its most important market application in the 1980s and 90s. Driven primarily by environmental concerns over the traditional burning of coal, gasification emerged as an extremely clean way to generate electric power. By turning coal into a combustible gas that could be cleansed of virtually all of its pollutant-forming impurities and burned in a gas turbine, coal could rival natural gas in terms of environmental performance.
                The federal government had investigated a coal gasification-based power plant in the 1970s, but a project to build the Powerton pilot plant near Pekin, Illinois, never materialized. The first major use of coal gasification to generate electric power in the United States took place in the mid-1980s at Southern California Edison's experimental Cool Water project near Barstow, California. The 100-megawatt Cool Water plant established the early technical foundation for future integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants.
               Coal gasification-based power concepts got their biggest boost in the 1990s when the U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Coal Technology Program provided federal cost-sharing for the first true commercial-scale IGCC plants in the United States:

   How Gasification Power Plants Work

               The heart of gasification-based systems is the gasifier. A gasifier converts hydrocarbon feedstock into gaseous components by applying heat under pressure in the presence of steam.
               A gasifier differs from a combustor in that the amount of air or oxygen available inside the gasifier is carefully controlled so that only a relatively small portion of the fuel burns completely. This "partial oxidation" process provides the heat. Rather than burning, most of the carbon-containing feedstock is chemically broken apart by the gasifier's heat and pressure, setting into motion chemical reactions that produce "syngas." Syngas is primarily hydrogen, carbon monoxide and other gaseous constituents, the proportions of which can vary depending upon the conditions in the gasifier and the type of feedstock.
              Minerals in the fuel (i.e., the rocks, dirt and other impurities which don't gasify like carbon-based constituents) separate and leave the bottom of the gasifier either as an inert glass-like slag or other marketable solid products. Only a small fracture of the mineral matter is blown out of the gasifier as fly ash and requires removal downstream.
              Sulfur impurities in the feedstock form hydrogen sulfide, from which sulfur is easily extracted, typically as elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid, both valuable byproducts. Nitrogen oxides, another potential pollutant, are not formed in the oxygen-deficient (reducing) environment of the gasifier; instead, ammonia is created by nitrogen-hydrogen reactions. The ammonia can be easily stripped out of the gas stream.
               In integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) systems, the syngas is cleaned of its hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and particulate matter and is burned as fuel in a combustion turbine (much like natural gas is burned in a turbine). The combustion turbine drives an electric generator. Hot air from the combustion turbine is channeled back to the gasifier or the air separation unit, while exhaust heat from the combustion turbine is recovered and used to boil water, creating steam for a steam turbine-generator.
              The use of these two types of turbines - a combustion turbine and a steam turbine - in combination, known as a "combined cycle," is one reason why gasification-based power systems can achieve unprecedented power generation efficiencies. Currently, gasification-based systems can operate at around 45% efficiencies; in the future, these systems may be able to achieve efficiencies approaching 60%. (A conventional coal-based boiler plant, by contrast, employs only a steam turbine-generator and is typically limited to 33-38% efficiencies.)
             Higher efficiencies mean that less fuel is used to generate the rated power, resulting in better economics (which can mean lower costs to ratepayers) and the formation of fewer greenhouse gases (a 60%-efficient gasification power plant can cut the formation of carbon dioxide by 40% compared to a typical coal combustion plant).
All or part of the clean syngas can also be used in other ways:
·                     As chemical "building blocks" to produce a broad range of liquid or gaseous fuels and chemicals (using processes well established in today's chemical industry);
·                     As a fuel producer for highly efficient fuel cells (which run off the hydrogen made in a gasifier) or perhaps in the future, fuel cell-turbine hybrid systems;
·                     As a source of hydrogen that can be separated from the gas stream and used as a fuel (for example, in President Bush's hydrogen-powered Freedom Car initiative) or as a feedstock for refineries (which use the hydrogen to upgrade petroleum products).
                Another advantage of gasification-based energy systems is that when oxygen is used in the gasifier (rather than air), the carbon dioxide produced by the process is in a concentrated gas stream, making it much easier and less expensive to separate and capture. Once the carbon dioxide is captured, it can be sequestered - that is, prevented from escaping to the atmosphere and potentially contributing to the "greenhouse effect."


                    India has fairly large reserves of coal (202 billion tones) as compared to crude oil (728 million tones) and natural gas (686million cubic meter). Thus coal is major fossil fuel available in India and 70%of the electricity produced is through utilization of coal in thermal power plants. Oil and natural gas resources are limited and thus coal will remain an important input for electrical generation in future also.
                           Though coal available in our country is in large amount; there are certain   problems associated with its use which are listed as follows-
A.     Indian coals are of inferior quality having ash content 45 to 50 %
B.     The average calorific value of Indian coal is low about 3500 kcal/kg.
                           Thus to overcome above problems present method of direct combustion of coal (either in lump or pulverized form) has to be changed.  As energy sector requires clean, efficient and dependable energy sources the use of coal has to be made to obtain higher efficiency, less pollution.
                            Therefore coal gasification technique seems to be best option to fulfill above requirements.
                            Though coal is relatively a long lasting fuel, the quality in general is inferior with mineral content as high as 50%. Since reserves of oil and natural gas are meager, they need to be substituted with coal to the extent feasible. At the same time all the three fuels, especially coal needs to be conserved for the future generations. The energy sector requires efficient, clean and dependable energy supplies. Hence coal has to be utilized with multi pronged strategy i.e. higher efficiency, environmental acceptance, prolonging its availability and as replacement for oil etc. that is possible only through sustainable development and gasification is the best option to achieve it.
State wise and depth-wise reserve of Indian coal
(AS ON 01-01-1996)
(Reserves in million tonnes)
Depth and range
(in meters)
Proved reserve
Indicated reserve
Total reserve
Gondawana Coal
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Grand Total

 ¨Sustainable Development through Coal Gasification:

               According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, Sustainable Development is the exploitation of resources (i.e. coal resources), the orientation of technological developments (i.e. coal utilization technologies) and the direction of investments must be in harmony to enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs (i.e. energy). Sustainable development aims to promote economic growth, efficient use of natural resources and their secured long term supply and protection of environment to ensure survival of the future generations.

1. Power Generation

             About 70% of the electricity generated in India comes from coal and the power sector continues to be the major consumer of coal for years to come. Power generation from coal in India is based on combustion in boilers. Coal when directly combusted generates air emissions that must be controlled particularly sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which cause acid rain, smog and ozone depletion etc. Methods to control sulfur emissions with flue gas scrubbers encounter several operating problems and high costs. Capital cost of flue gas desulfurisation in wet scrubber is around US$120-210 /KW and consumes 1 to 3% of auxiliary power. Luckily sulfur in Indian coals is low generally below 0.5% except coals found in northeastern region. Hence flue gas desulfurisation is not required at present for Indian power plants. Even when it is necessary coal gasification technology is inexpensive and attractive for Indian coals, since the process has inbuilt removal/control capabilities for sulfur/nitrogen emissions. The technologies of low NOx burners and over fire air are practiced to control NOx emissions. Both the technologies combinedly can reduce NOx by 40 to 60% only, and cost about 200-400 US$ per ton of NOx removed. On the other hand coal gasification has inherent characteristics of removal of sulfur emission up to 99% and NOx by 60-90% without incorporating special and costly external control systems
            The high mineral matter content in Indian coals posses several problems such as low calorific value, delayed combustion, corrosion, erosion, deposits, fouling and slagging. The fly ash in Indian coals has significant amounts of mullite (5 to 30%) and quartz (up to 30%), which is mainly responsible for causing erosion especially of, pulverizes, boiler tubes and I.D. fans etc. . . Due to poor quality of coal, Indian power plants are achieving only 63% PLF while it is above 80% in advanced countries. Similarly the specific coal consumption i.e. kg of coal consumed per kWh of power generated is very high in India, of the order of 0.8 compared to 0.5 in advanced countries. According to a study conducted in one of the power plants in India, the boiler availability reduced by 1.5% at the ash level of 32-35%, 6% at ash level of 36-38% and 12% at the ash level of 40%. Not only poor quality, but its unlimited variation in the parameters like moisture, volatile matter and ash often experienced are more detrimental to the performance of power plants i.e. it results in increased oil consumption etc. Higher mineral content results in more forced outages and high maintenance cost. Thus there is a need for power generation technology, which can use high ash coals with wide fluctuation in quality more efficiently and with least pollution. The coal gasification route in place of direct combustion is a promising technology for Indian coals to achieve these objectives since it has inherent characteristics of complete removal of particulate without the help of an electro static precipitator.

3.3 Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Electric Power Generation

           Coal based electric power generation (i.e., direct combustion of coal in stoker fired and pulverized coal fired boilers) has historically been the backbone of the electric utility industry and this technology is well proven. But the technology has reached a plateau of maximum efficiency with only marginal potential for further improvements due to technical limitations.
            In addition to this limitation on efficiencies, tightening of environmental control requirements have resulted in substantial increase in both capital and operating costs to reduce emissions from conventional coal fired power plants and also in lowering plant efficiency and reliability, on the other hand coal gasification technology has emerged as the most environmentally benign and competitive way of coal utilization. Thus it would be of enormous benefit to the electric utility industry to find some practical means for combining the high efficiency of combined cycle system with the clean coal gasification-process for utilizing coal, which is a low cost and abundantly available fossil fuel. This has lead to the development of IGCC Power system.
               IGCC is the technology designed to meet the higher efficiency and stringent environmental regulations required in the 21st century. IGCC systems have the potential to compete economically with conventional coal fired steam plants and have lowest possible level of pollution. As environmental control requirements increase, the economic advantages of IGCC would correspondingly increase. Similarly with further developments in coal gasification and gas turbine technologies taking place, the economic and performance benefits of IGCC would increase significantly. The efficiency of IGCC, which is now around 40-45%, is likely to increase to 55-60%. The capital cost of large and mature technology IGCC plants and PC plants with FGD are projected to be nearly same. IGCC is the most economical system when compared to the conventional pulverized coal fired plant for removal of sulfur and nitrogen. With high sulfur coals the efficiency difference between the two plants is higher since the auxiliary power consumption for the sulfur removal is up to 3% in the flue gas desulfurisation (FGD) unit of coal fired plant and negligible in the IGCC plant.
              IGCC plants require less water than coal-fired plant as approximately 60% of power is generated from gas turbine. IGCC plants also require less land. IGCC systems are highly modular which enable phased construction and higher plants availability up to 85% or about 7400 hours per year of plant operation and economy at smaller capacities of the order of 250 MW. Introduction of IGCC technology to utilities can create new business opportunities in the co-production of electricity with chemicals, liquid fuels etc.
             As the global demand for coal increases, worldwide carbon emissions will also increase. It is estimated that if all power producers were to use the most efficient clean coal technologies, IGCC being one of them, global carbon dioxide emissions could be cut by more than half, compared with the levels that would be emitted by the existing power plant technologies, i.e. pulverized coal fired.
             The expert group on IGCC technology appointed by Govt. of India has prepared a Techno-Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR) in the year 1991 comparing the operational performance and economics of IGCC and PC based power generation for a 600 MW capacity plant with 35% ash coal. IGCC is more efficient, pollution is very less and capital and generation costs are comparable with PC plant. 
            IGCC technology is now moving from drawing board to commercial scale. A 250 MW IGCC plant of Tampa Electric Co. USA has successfully completed one year of commercial operation. The Wabash project in USA of 262 MW IGCC plant began its commercial operation in November 1995. Sierra pacific pinion pine IGCC project, USA of 107 MW capacities is undergoing operation trials. A 250 MW IGCC plant at Buggenum, Netherlands has entered its final demonstration year. The capital cost of IGCC plant now is around $2000/kW, which is likely to come down to $1500/kW. The global market for IGCC is expected to be 41 GW by 2004.

3.4 Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell

              Fuel cell is the most efficient and the least polluting system of power generation. Out of the 3 fuel cell systems based on the type of electrolyte used i.e. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), the latter two are suitable to utilize coal gas which resulted in the development of Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (IGFC) System. PAFC is nearly commercial and the other two (MCFC and SOFC) are at development stage.
               IGFC can attain efficiencies up to 60% and are cool enough to prevent NOx formation. Sulfur and particulate present in the coal are removed during the gasification process before feeding the fuel gas to the fuel cell. A comparison between the emissions of a coal fired conventional power plant and IGFC system is given in the table 4, which shows that fuel cell, generates extremely clean power.
               There are two major challenges with respect to commercialization of fuel cell: initial cost and reliable life. The two problems have to be solved to improve the economics of fuel cell.

3.5 Other Technologies

             In addition to IGCC, two other relevant technologies for power generation are: Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) and High Concentration Coal Water Slurry (HCCWS). The PFBC technology is demonstrated in 80-100 MW scale abroad. The PFBC is dependant on hot gas cleaning for the removal of particulate from the flue gases or on a heavy-duty gas turbine, which can tolerate particulate matter in the flue gases. Both hot gas cleanup and heavy-duty gas turbine are under development. IGCC also incorporates a hot gas cleanup system, which increases the overall efficiency, but wet scrubbing by water can be employed in place of hot gas cleanup with some loss in efficiency. Thus PFBC compared to IGCC is constrained by availability of hot gas cleanup technology. Another major disadvantage with PFBC is that more power is generated from steam turbine, which is less efficient compared to gas turbine. Whereas in IGCC, more power is generated from the gas turbine and hence is more efficient. Continuous developments are taking place in the gas turbine technology, which could result in higher efficiencies in IGCC beyond 50%. Such improvements in the steam turbine are limited.
             HCCWS consisting of 70% solids and 30% water is used for power generation either through combustion or gasification route. High ash content in the coal thermally penalizes the conversion processes of coal slurry resulting in lower and uneconomical efficiencies. Therefore the coals have to be necessarily washed to bring down the ash content to around 15% to improve the efficiency and economics. But the cost of preparation of slurry itself depends upon the techno- economics of washing, which are at present unattractive for high ash coals. Thus application of HCCWS technology to high ash coal mainly depends on techno economics of washing the coal.

3.6 Synthetic Oil

              The commercial application of liquefaction of coal for production of oil had taken place in unusual circumstances where price had been a less critical factor than secured or strategic supply. This was in Germany, during World War II when a wide range of transportation fuels was produced from coal to supply the war machines. Since 1955 South Africa is producing liquid fuels from coal due to lack of petroleum and natural gas reserves but abundance of coal reserves and political factors. Efforts at commercial production of liquid fuels from coal have taken place in the US (Synfuels program), UK and Japan without actual full-scale development. The main reason for not going up to commercial operation in these countries has been the availability of inexpensive petroleum supplies in abundance both domestic and imported.
             The consumption of petroleum products in India has been increasing at a rapid pace. It has increased from 30.9 million tonnes in 1980-81 to 57 mt in 1991-92 @ annual compound growth rate of 5.7%. The growth rate increased further to 7% after 1991-92 after liberalization of economy and the consumption reached 80 million tonnes in 1996-97. Out of the total consumption of petroleum products, the middle distillates account for 63% in 1995. Several reasons for steep rise in demand for petroleum products in general and middle distillates in particular are i) Change over from coal to oil as primary source of energy ii) Unprecedented growth in personal vehicles (iii) electric power shortages which prompted industrial and commercial establishments and large residential complexes to install diesel generators and agricultural consumers to install diesel pump sets as standby measure (iv) rising share of diesel based transport both road and rail transport (v) increase in kerosene consumption for household sector due to low availability of traditional fuels (vi) subsidies on prices.
              The indigenous petroleum production, which had also grown, correspondingly from 6.8 mt in 1970-71 to 32.9 mt in 1996-97 could not meet the demand. To bridge the gap India is importing large quantities of crude oil and petroleum products. In 1985-86, India's net imports were 16.5 mt, which has increased steeply to 43.4 mt in 1996. In the year 1996-97 the import bill towards petroleum and petroleum products was US$10,081 million, which was 26% of the total import bill. With the depreciation of rupee, the share in rupee terms was even higher. On the basis of current trends, the total consumption by the year 2010-2011 could be close to 200 million tonnes, which is about 3, fold increase from the present consumption. Import is much more than indigenous production. The extent of self sufficiency in oil which was peaking at 70% in 1984-85 has been consistently declining which reached to 40% in 1996-97 and is likely to decline further to 35% in a couple of years. The trend is causing concern since India is emerging rapidly as a major consumer of oil products.
              As experienced on several occasions, petroleum supplies and prices are greatly influenced by political policies. There have been several price hikes in oil since 1971. In all the cases, India was one of the hardest hit countries. It is possible that OPEC countries can reduce direct export of crude and substitute with finished petroleum products so that the exporting countries can reap the benefits of maximum value addition. In such a situation, oil may not be available in adequate quantities and also at affordable prices. Economy of India, which is highly dependent on oil imports, will suffer a great setback. The infrastructure for oil refinery available in India would be under utilized.
             The success of liberalization policy and economic reforms introduced in the country is largely dependent on adequate availability of energy resources at affordable prices and oil has a significant place in it. Therefore any disruptions in oil supplies would hamper progress of the country. Thus from consideration of national self-reliance, security and assured energy supply, production of oil in India from alternate source i.e. coal is justified.
             There are 3 routes for liquefaction of coal i.e., directs hydrogenation of coal, hydrogenation of coal tar and gasification followed by Fisher-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis. The process of direct hydrogenation of coal requires coal with very low ash content, below 10% and hence is not suitable to India due to very high ash content in Indian coals. The process of hydrogenation of tar obtained from coal carbonization is also not applicable due to inadequate availability of tar. The route of gasification followed by F-T synthesis is the most suitable one for Indian coals. South Africa at Sasol is producing liquid fuels from coal based on gasification and F-T synthesis. The gasification process adopted at Sasol is moving bed process, which is also proven with Indian coals. The successful operation of Sasol plant gives more confidence to India for adopting gasification route for producing oil from coal.
            The option of conversion of coal into synthetic liquid fuels had been under the consideration of the Government of India since 1950. Several committees appointed by the Government had examined the feasibility of producing oil from coal and recommended for setting up commercial plants of capacity up to 1 million tonnes per year in the country. The proposals did not materialize mainly due to economic reasons. For example the estimates made in 1982 had indicated a capital cost of Rs.16, 110 million ($1667 million) for 1 mtpa plant and cost of production of $35 per barrel.
              Coal accounts for 69% of world's fossil fuel reserve, while it is only 17% for oil [8]. Major consumption of oil is in the transport sector. Hence many scientists and engineers believe that coal liquefaction would be required to meet the demand for liquid transportation fuels. However, world development of coal liquefaction will depend upon both economics and the reliability of petroleum and natural gas supplies from the Middle East and other main exporting areas.

3.7 Natural Gas Substitution

               The emerging role of natural gas in Indian energy sector is evident from the increase in its share in primary energy supply from 2% in 1989 to 8% in 1996 and also increase in its production from 3.1 to 19.4 billion cubic meters during the same period. Natural gas is used in India for both energy and non-energy purposes. The major consumers are: 42% for fertilizer production, 38% for power generation and 13% as industrial fuel. At present about 5500 MW of gas based power plants are in operation in the country. The total installed capacity of gas-based power plant is proposed to be about 13,300 MW by the year 2001-02. The gas is in short supply for the power plants to the extant of 50%. The import of gas has been considered but so far large-scale imports have not materialized. Liquid fuel has been used to supplement natural gas in the power plants. It appears that generation of power with liquid fuels is economically not very attractive and power generation using imported naphtha is higher than the cost of power generation using domestic coal almost at all locations. For example the cost of power generation with domestic coal and imported naphtha at Delhi are estimated at Rs.1.99 & 2.57 (5.1 & 6.8 cents) respectively. Natural gas is a preferred fuel for the manufacture of fertilizers, petrochemicals, and sponge iron etc. The natural gas used for power generation can be used for these purposes if an alternate fuel gas can replace it. The fuel gas produced by gasifying coal would be suitable to burn in the existing gas turbines of the combined cycle plant. The conversion from natural gas to coal based fuel gas needs addition of a coal gasification system in the combined cycle plant.

3.8 Steel Making

               A serious concern regarding coking coal resources in the country is the limited reserves of prime coking coal and its quality, the gross reserves of which are estimated at 5.3 billion tonnes (2.6% of total coal reserves). Bulk of this prime coking coal is of high ash content and requires washing prior to coke making. The reserves of medium coking and semi coking coals are relatively bettered placed at about 18 billion tonnes. But in view of the limited reserves of prime coking coal, the medium and semi coking coal cannot be used in its totality as ternary blend for manufacture of metallurgical coke. As a result, India is relying on imports of low ash prime coking coals to blend with Indian washed coking coals. Indian coking coals have ash content varying from 15% to 35% and are also difficult to wash. Due to poor quality of mined coal, the washed coal is having higher ash content of 22-23%, against the designed value of 17%, which is adversely affecting the productivity and economics of steel production. To reduce the ash content in the coal blend, higher quantity of imported coal is being used. The imports of coking coal are steadily going up on the plea that the domestic coking coals are deficient in quality and quantity. Coal imports & during the past 8 years i.e. between 1989 to 1997 have almost doubled from 4.7 to 9.2 million tonnes. In India the reserves of non-coking coal are abundant (174 billion tonnes) compared to coking coal (30 billion tonnes). It would therefore be a good strategy to use more of non-coking coal for metallurgical purposes so as to conserve coking coals and reduce their imports. Fuel gases generated from the gasification of inferior grade none coking coals can be injected into the blast furnace, which reduces the coke rate. Fuel gas acts as a reducing agent as well as an energy source and therefore a complete replacement for coke. As particulate and sulfur are completely removed from coal in the gasification system, the fuel gas injection into the blast furnace can reduce the flux requirement and ferromanganese addition. Fuel gas from coal gasification is also used for production of sponge iron, which is a substitute for scrap and also a raw material for steel production. There is shortage of scrap in the country, which is met by imports.

3.9 Coal chemicals:

              Coal was the main source for a variety of chemicals like benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, anthracene, phenol etc. till the Second World War. These chemicals present in coal tar obtained by carbonization of coal were the raw material for the production of pharmaceuticals, dyes, resins, plastics, and explosives. The first polyethylene plant of Dupont was based on ethylene from coal gas. There are three important routes to convert coal to useful chemicals; one of them is gasification technology to produce synthesis gas as a feed material for chemicals. The wide spectrum of possible chemicals from synthesis gas includes ethylene, methanol, formaldehyde, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, etc. The synthesis gas opens up the field for C1 chemistry. At Sasol in South Africa, chemicals ranging from alpha-olefins, waxes, solvents, paraffin, ketones, alcohols and acids are produced from synthesis gas obtained from coal gasification.
               Ammonia has also been made from the hydrogen present in the synthesis gas obtained from gasification of coal. A number of such coal based fertilizers plants have been setup in many countries including 3 plants in India.
                Petroleum and natural gas are currently the principal sources of basic organic intermediates namely ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene, xylenes and methanol. The organic chemical industry, which depends upon petrochemical building block, could face serious feedstock problems due to any disruptions in oil supplies. In such situations, synthetic gas from coal can be a suitable feedstock. Technologies are available in India for production of coal chemicals.
Strategy in Development of Coal Gasification Plant in India:
               Large amounts of capital are required to setup commercial plants to produce fuel gas from coal gasification as a feedstock for gaseous and liquid fuels and chemicals etc. Majority of the technologies available on commercial scale for productions of the above products are based on coals with different characteristics than that of Indian coals specially ash content and ash fusion temperature, which are low. Therefore these technologies cannot be applied directly to Indian coals but have to be adapted through indigenous demonstration and R&D before setting up large commercial scale plants in the country. Thus India needs capital for R&D, demonstration of technology with Indian coals and for commercial plants. India is short of funds for capital investment. Foreign or Indian entrepreneurs seldom come forward to invest in R&D and demonstration of foreign technologies with Indian coals. They would be interested only in business to get profitable returns on investment. It therefore becomes main responsibility of the Government to fund demonstration activities.
               An option that can be followed by India for funding demonstration activities is to adopt the strategy followed by the U.S. Department of Energy for the Clean Coal Technology Program (known as the CCT program). It is a model of Government and industry partnership for technology advancement. The industry is sharing 65% of the cost. The demonstration plants are setup at commercial scale in the user's premises. Industry retains intellectual property rights. The Government's share in the cost of a project is refunded by the industry only upon commercialization of the technology. It means the risk involved is funded by the Government. It is felt that such a type of arrangement is necessary in India. In addition to this Government can also give incentives to the builders of demonstration / commercial plants in India to promote coal gasification and its application technologies.
CONCLUSION: Coal is relatively a large fossil fuel reserve in India meeting about 60% of the commercial energy needs and accounting for 70% of power requirements. Supremacy of coal in India's energy sector would continue. Majority of Indian coals are of inferior quality with ash content as high as 45-50% and are difficult to wash. The present use of coal mostly through direct combustion is inefficient with high levels of pollution. The efficiency cannot be improved much due to technological limitations and it is very expensive to control the pollution. India is looking for alternate technologies, more efficient, environmental friendly and economically attractive. Coal gasification fits into these requirements. IGCC technology is the best alternate option for power generation in India.
                       Coal gasification opens up several avenues for coal utilization and enables to use coal as a raw material to improve the economics through cogeneration/co-production of electricity, chemicals and liquid fuels etc.
                   Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are exhaustible, hence they need to be utilized judiciously through the principle of sustainable development and coal gasification route is the best option to achieve it.
                           Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a fuel directly and very efficiently into electricity (DC) and heat, thus doing away with combustion. The most suitable fuel for such cells is hydrogen or a mixture of compounds containing hydrogen. A fuel cell consists of an electrolyte sandwiched between two electrodes. Oxygen passes over one electrode and hydrogen over the other, and they react electrochemically to generate electricity, water, and heat.
                Development of high-efficiency direct-power-generation technologies, such as molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), is being promoted because they are expected to become next-generation power generating technologies.
               Meanwhile, coal also is expected to become a more important energy resource because it has abundant reserves that are more evenly distributed territorially than those of other energy resources. The ash contained in coal is the greatest obstacle when coal is used in fuel cells. Thus coal must be supplied to fuel cells after conversion into an ash-free fuel gas. The objectives of this project are to develop an optimum coal gasifier for fuel cells and to establish a clean-up system that purifies the gas to a level acceptable for fuel cells.
              Table 1 shows the development schedule. A feasibility study of the integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle (IGFC) was conducted in fiscal year 1995 to obtain data necessary for two applications: design of a coal gasifier in fiscal years 1995–96, and design, both basic and detailed, in fiscal years 1996–97, of a pilot plant for processing 150 tons of coal per day. In 1998, construction was started at the test site, the Wakamatsu Operations & General Management Office, and manufacturing commenced on the gasifier and other main facilities. This paper describes the performance of IGFC using MCFC, and gives the status of construction of a pilot plant.

2.1 Outline of the System
            The integrated coal gasification MCFC combined cycle (IGMCFC) is composed of a coal gasification unit, a gas clean-up unit, an MCFC unit, and a power island as shown in Figure 1.

Coal gasification

               Pulverized coal is transported by nitrogen to the gasifier, where it reacts with a gasifying agent (95% oxygen) at 26.5 atm and is converted into a fuel gas. Meanwhile, molten ash is discharged from the bottom of the gasifier into a water quench. The high-temperature syngas exits the gasifier and is forwarded to a gas clean-up unit after heat is recovered by passing it through a syngas cooler, lowering it to 450°C. Char in the syngas is removed by a cyclone and filter, and recycled to the gasifier by the syngas.
Gas clean up
               Cold gas clean up must be applied in order to meet the strict tolerance limits of fuel cells. Impurities such as halogens and sulfur in the syngas are removed by a water scrubber and a methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) absorber, and the syngas is finely desulfurized by use of zinc oxide (ZnO). Acid gas removed by the MDEA absorber is burned in air in a furnace and the sulfur content is recovered as gypsum by use of limestone. Because the operating pressure of fuel cells is set at approximately 15 atm, to match that of the gas turbine, the pressure energy of the syngas is recovered as power through an expansion turbine.
Fuel cell (MCFC)
               In coal gas, the CO concentration is high while the H2 and H2O concentrations are low. Because of this, there is a possibility that carbon will precipitate at the electrode through the following reaction and that cell performance will drop. Therefore, steam is added and the anode exhaust gas is recycled to the anode inlet in order to increase the H2O and CO2 concentrations at the anode inlet and prevent precipitation of carbon. The anode exhaust gas is burned in a catalytic burner. The CO2 produced in the catalytic burner is supplied to the cathode. Meanwhile, the fuel cell is cooled down by recycling part of the cathode exhaust gas to the cathode inlet through a heat recovery boiler.
Power island
               The cathode exhaust gas (700°C) is sent to the gas turbine and the gas turbine inlet temperature is increased to 1,300°C by adding the syngas. Heat is recovered from the gas turbine exhaust gas through a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), and the generated steam is sent to the steam turbine (150 atm, 538°C) where it combines with steam generated at the gasification unit and the fuel cell unit.
2.2 Parameter Study
              Conditions examined in the parameter study are shown in Table 2. The anode recycling gas ratio is defined as the ratio of the anode recycling gas volume to the syngas volume supplied to the MCFC. The results of examining oxygen concentration as the gasifying agent are indicated in Figures 2 and 3. Here, the oxygen concentration is adjusted by mixing 95% pure oxygen with air extracted from the gas turbine. In this study, the number of fuel cell stacks and the gas turbine inlet temperature are kept constant.
              Therefore, if the oxygen concentration falls, the calorific value of the syngas will be reduced, thereby increasing the fuel supply to the gas turbine. The coal supply will then increase accordingly. As a result, power output from the gas turbine and steam turbine will increase even though the fuel cell power output is nearly constant. As has been discussed, because the power output ratio of the fuel cell is reduced as the oxygen concentration falls, the thermal efficiency is also reduced. In view of the foregoing, the oxygen concentration was set at 95% in this feasibility study. Optimization was similarly applied to other parameters.

Parameter Base case Variation range
O2 conc. in gasifying agent 95 vol% 21 – 95 vol%
Fuel utilization*1 80% 50 – 85%
Oxidant utilization*1 20% 15 – 35%
Anode recycling ratio 6.6 6.0 – 7.4

*1: Utilization with one pass is indicated

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