Corrosion under insulation is a major problem. When insulation becomes
wet, due to’ poor insulation, subsequent abuse or failure to specify good vapor
barrier and water ‘proofing materials, it creates the potentials for corrosive failure of
pipings. Whether pipes are above ground or buried, proper design and insulation
techniques can control corrosion.
Metal corrosion requires four
elements: An anode, a cathode, an electrolyte (e.g. moisture) and an electrical
path (e.g. metal) joining the anode and cathode.
anode is the part of the Meta where corrosion occurs. It actually scarifies
itself as it releases positively charged metal ions into the electrolyte and
electrons are left behind in the metal. These electrons flow through the metal
to protect the cathode. The cathode is protected because various ions or
compounds in the electrolyte consume electrons.
An electrolyte is a solution capable of conducting electrical current in the form of ionic flow. An electrical path is a connection between the anode and cathode where current in the form of electrons can flow. Free electrons do not flow in the electrolyte, only in a metal path.
An electrolyte is a solution capable of conducting electrical current in the form of ionic flow. An electrical path is a connection between the anode and cathode where current in the form of electrons can flow. Free electrons do not flow in the electrolyte, only in a metal path.
Corrosion occurs because anodes and
cathodes are inherent anodes and cathodes are inherent in all metals, and all
metals are electron conductors. Anodic and cathodic components can be
microscopic in size or rather large in some cases. Therefore, thereof the four
requirements for the corrosion process are inherently present in every metal.
The only remaining element required for the corrosion process to begin is an
Anodic and cathodic areas develop where
chemicals have deposited, where there are temperature differences, and where
there are temperature differences, and where there are damp areas. Chlorides
and other industrial contaminants in the electrolyte can cause an area to
become anodic. The contamination may be present on the metal surface before it
is coated or insulated. Once these areas become wet, corrosion begins.
The corrosion of metals requires the
following conditions
An anode, a cathode, an electrical path, and
an electrolyte must all be present.
anode and cathode must be in contact with the same electrolyte.
metal must electrically connect the anode and cathode for electrons to flow;
anodic (oxidation) and cathodic (reduction) reactions must be equivalent and
Fig 1. Shows the requirements for
corrosion process.
The sidebar discusses the four necessary elements for the corrosion
process to occur. However, certain external factors will cause variance in the
corrosion rate after the corrosion process begins. Examples of factors
affecting corrosion rate would be hot or cold cycling expansions and
contractions (stress cracking) and wet or dry cycles.
One of the most effective ways to control corrosion is to use a properly
selected and applied corrosion coating, since 1971, U.S. government regulation
require oil and gas companies to coat ( with a corrosion control coating ) all
pipelines before they are buried or submerged . Cathodic protection (CP) also
is required on all barriers and submerged transmissions and gathering pipelines
to protect most areas of coating defects. Cathodic protection is the
installation of external galvanic anodes or anodes with a power source to
provide protective current to the cathode. The oil gas industry has used pipe
coatings and tapes successfully for many
years. These vary in type, from
the first coal tar brush on coatings covered with a spiral wrapped
bitumen tape, to today’s epoxy, urethane, urea and FBE (fusion bonded epoxy)
The pipeline industry (loosely defined
as the oil and gas industry and the uninsullated piping used as transmission
lines) and insulation industry (dealing with insulated piping systems) differ
in their practices in some respects, but the success and the growth in the
pipeline coating industry raises the question of why other industries are not
using this knowledge to protect pipes and process systems. Pipeline coating
obviates the need to replace piping systems every few years, avoiding the cost
of such expensive projects.
The proper selection of coating material is important. When selecting
coating metal under insulation, consider:
operating temperatures,
and site requirements,
preparation requirements,
requirements during surface preparation and application, and
with insulating materials.
System Operating Temperatures:
A coating has to be flexible enough to withstand the expansion and
contraction of the piping system when
temperatures cycles. Temperatures fluctuations can cause a loss of
adhesion between the coating and the metal, which allows water to reach the
pipe. High temperatures can cause coating types to flow, crack, or sag. Low temperatures can cause some coatings to become
flexible or brittle.
Some coatings work well at high temperatures, while other at cold
New entries into metal protection
industry have achieved temperature ranges between -320 degree F and 350 degree
F (-196 degree C and 177 degree C) ,with prospects of coatings up to 900 degree
F (149 degree C ) for specialized applications on equipment that cycles from
cold or ambient up to higher
temperatures. This cycle accelerates that corrosion process.
Application Requirements:
Some types of coatings require
extensive surface preparation, even heating the pipe before applying the
coating. Other coatings can be applied with minimal surface preparation and
application equipment. Field application becomes more difficult of confined
space, safety, and environmental concerns. Inspection to ensure proper coating
average and thickness is cumbersome.
Liquid coatings can be applied by brush,
glove, or spray method (e.g. air, airless or plural component). Tape coatings
can be applied in a “cigarette wrap” or by spiral wrapping by hand or machine.
On insulated systems, tapes will affect the inner diameter (I D) and the fit of
the insulation. Some types of tapes are applied using heat, usually a propane
torch. Powder coatings, such as fusion-bonded epoxies (FBE) are applied to a
hot (normally 450 degree F to 488 degree F [232 degree C to 253 degree C]) pipe
surface and are applied in a specialized pipe coating plant with temperature
end humidity control.
Surface Preparation:
Surface Preparation is the
most critical part of any coating process. Care must be taken to perform the
best possible surface preparation for the application. Experts in the coating
industry advise that two-thirds of the cost of any good coating job should go
into surface preparation.
Blasting with an abrasive helps to clean
the surface and provides the proper anchor pattern to which the coating will
adhere. Before blasting, any oil, grease, or other debris must be properly
removed. Blasting only spreads oil and grease contamination – it does not
remove it. Contaminants on the metal surface, such as chlorides and other
salts, must be removed by proper washing and rinsing techniques. Main scale,
rust and other surface contaminants can usually be removed by proper blasting.
Wire brushing by hand or machine is acceptable for some types of coatings.
Water blasting, with and without abrasives, may be used in other situations.
This must be performed with proper methods and equipments.
The introduction of mineralization surface
conversion technology in the insulation industry reduces the amount of
surface preparation required before
installing the compound. Sand blasting is not necessary, even on rusted pipes.
The main requirements are to remove oil or salt films that may be on the pipe
surface and the removal of scale rust with a wire brush, or water blasting.
Environmental requirements during surface preparation and application:
The type of surface to be coated
dictates the type of surface preparation and coating to be used. New carbon
steel can be cleaned and blasted easily, compared with corroded or pitted steel
in used systems. Corroded or used metal systems may have surface contaminants
such as chlorides or salts that must be properly removed before blasting.
Stainless steel surfaces are very hard, making it difficult to create an anchor
pattern. Certain types of stainless steel should not be blasted with steel grit
or shot because the carbon in the blast material itself can cause corrosion
problems. Non - carbon materials, brushes, or grinding disks should be used
Unique circumstances will dictate
exceptions to any of these recommendations. Nevertheless, preparing the
substrate in some way is always important. Other types of metal not mentioned
here should be studied and tested to determine the most effective method of
surface preparation.
Compatibility With Insulating Material:
Some types of insulating materials may be abrasive (e.g. cellular glass)
and as the pipe moves, the coating material will be damaged. Other insulating
materials may cause the coating to deteriorate, become soft or brittle, or
loose other properties (especially if the insulation becomes wet). The
thickness of most coatings is within ID tolerance of insulation products.
However, insulation fabricators may have to alter some tolerances of the ID of
their insulation to provide products that fit over certain coatings. Coating
selection and insulation characteristics should be considered jointly when
specifying a system. In their wet state, some corrosion coatings react with
fabricated foam insulations; therefore, coatings must be allowed to cure
completely before installing insulation.
Types of coating choices on the market include:
coatings: epoxies, urethanes and polyureas,
and shrink sleeves,
coal tar or asphalt- based corrosion coatings,
coatings, and
bonded epoxies and multilayer coating.
Liquid coatings:
Liquid epoxies are excellent choices for coating pipes. Basic epoxies
are two- component materials that are mixed and normally applied by spray or
brush. Some epoxies are applied with multycomponent equipment that mixes the
components at the applicator gun. Epoxies must be mixed in the proper ratio. If
the mixture is not correct, the epoxy does not cure properly or perform well.
Specific environmental concerns need to be addressed since fumes and cleanup
are important criteria.
“Phenolic epoxies are excellent
coatings for higher- temperature applications up to 300 degree F (149 degree
C). Modified epoxy phenolic coatings offer good abrasion resistance and are
more flexible than most epoxy phenolics.”
Phenolic epoxies are applied by experienced applicators using heated
multicomponent equipment.
Urethanes and polyureas are excellent coatings for cold process piping
and vessels. Most urethanes have limited use for higher temperature operations
at greater than 150 degree F (66 degree C). Urethanes are flexible and can be
applied in one thick coat with a heated spray system. Moisture can be
detrimental to some urethanes application, but moisture cure urethanes perform
well for application moisture is a problem during application.
4.2 Tapes and shrink sleeves:
Certain types of corrosion control tapes provide excellent corrosion
protection for pipes on systems that operate at temperatures of 150 degree F
(66 degree C) or less. Tapes are relatively easy to apply. Most require a primer
in order to adhere properly to the pipe, and the primer must cure properly
before tape is applied. Tapes vary from 25 to 100 mils in thickness, thus,
insulation material must have the ID to enable the insulation to fit over the
4.3 Brushable coal tar or asphalt- based
corrosion coatings:
Asphalt or coal tar-based materials do not require mixing, thinning or
other special treatment. They are easily applied by brush or paint glove in or
two coats. Surface preparation requirements are not as stringent for these
materials as they are for many other coatings. These coatings are good for
irregular shapes, are flexible, adhere well to the steel, are resistant to most
chemicals and impact resistance. They do require a certain amount of time to cure
4.4 Mineralization
Conversion Compounds:
Mineralization conversion compounds are
new to the insulation industry. As the name implies, these coatings create a
mineralization bond with a pipe, a “new” surface. Excess coating from the application acts as
a reservoir in the event of mechanical damage to the mineral layer or the
intrusion of an electrolyte. Corrosion cannot takes place in the mineralized
layer of pipe.
The greatest benefits of this type of technology are if the vapor
barrier is compromised and moisture enters the system, it can travel directly
to the pipe’s surface and remain there without corrosion taking place. The
excess coating from the installation process chemically binds the water so that
it can not corrode the pipe. Only removal of excess coating with cleaner can
alter the protection provided to the piping system.
Mineralization surface conversion compounds can be applied to all types
of pipes. They not only prevent corrosion but also prevent stress cracking when
applied to copper or stainless steel systems.
Mineralization surface conversion compounds are effective on new piping,
valves, tanks, vessels. Conversion compounds can obviate the need to replace
piping that is somewhat corroded but will remain intact if no further corroded.
In past, this was not an option. If the metal retains sufficient physical
integrity for the pressures it contains, it can be wire brushed or water
blasted to remove any loose rust scale or corrosion scale before the pipe is
treated with the conversion compound and reinsulated. This type of application
will create the same mineral bond in old piping as new.
The use of surface conversion compounds will revolutionize corrosion
control on below ambient systems under insulation. The life expectancies of the
systems will be increased and with proper insulation, vapor barrier and
mechanical protection. Corrosion is not a problem only on below ambient piping
systems; however the 250 degree F (121 degree C) temperature limits of
conversion compounds limits them primarily to below ambient systems where
moisture drive to the pipe can occur.
Rehabilitation of insulated piping systems
can be performed with many of these coatings. For systems where surface
preparation is difficult and minimal surface preparation is performed,
mineralization conversation compounds are the best option. Tapes are an option
if the fabricator can supply insulation with proper ID. Brushable coal tar and
asphalt- based coatings can be considered. Retrofit conditions usually do not
permit spray application, limiting your options.
The most cost-effective method for rehabilitation without replacement is
the minimal cleaning required by mineralization surface conversion technology.
Removal of loose scale with a brush or water jet is sufficient preparation
prior to installation of mineralization coatings. Though this technology may
appear new to many, it has been used in military and automotive applications
used such as anti-seize on flange bolts, anti-corrosion on moving parts such as
bridge rockers and anti-corrosion of protected, yet concealed steel cable.
The insulations used for above freezing
yet below ambient piping are quite broad including fiberglass, electrometric
rubber, mineral wool. It also can include sub-zero insulations such as
polyisosyanurates, polystyrenes, cellular glass and phenolics. Surface
conversion compounds are less attractive for chilled water systems as failure
of these systems due to corrosion is not an environmental issue as much as a
possible property damage issue. Failures chilled water systems can occur within
five years due to advance corrosion activity. The use of surface conversion compounds
would eliminate such early demise of the piping system; however, conversion gel
manufactures will not put a figure on it as the choice and installation of all
components in the system contribute to the life of the system.
Insulation types are fairly limited for
below freezing piping systems; cellular glass, polyisosyanurates, polystyrenes
and phenolics are normally the insulations of choice. The manufacturers of
these products public technical literature that describes their uses,
temperature limitations and design criteria. The job criteria (atmospheric
conditions, process system, and plant environment) should determine the
insulation best suited to a specific job. The fact that an “ammonia system” is
being designed is not enough information on which to base an insulation
specification. Although the basic design criteria of the system may be known,
the environment in which the system is being installed must be considered
before specifying types of insulation and insulation thicknesses.
Insulation thickness is critical to the
success of the system. Worst-case atmospheric job conditions should be used
when calculating insulation thickness. This condition may only exist one week
per year, but that single worst case could create a corrosive environment that
eventually could cause the premature demise of a system.
Installation of the insulation is a
critical as the choice of insulation itself. Improperly sealed insulation can
allow moisture to migrate to the pipe, providing the electrolyte necessary to
begin the corrosion process.
Insulation manufacturer’s literature
normally suggests perm rated joint sealants for their insulations. It is
important to use joint sealants to slow the migration of water vapor to the
pipe if a breach in the vapor barrier occurs. Since there are atmospheric
conditions present during all insulations, water vapor will be trapped in the
system when the vapor barrier is sealed. Consulting with an insulation
fabricator is helpful given how closely fabricators work with the insulation
manufacturers and how frequently they deal with insulation specifications on
cold piping systems.
Surface Conversion Technology:
Surface conversion technology, or minetics, is the ability to grow very
thin minerals on metal surfaces for useful purposes. Engineered surfaces from
when mineral-forming reactants are delivered to the surfaces of a metal or
metal containing article via novel modifications of known base formulations
(e.g. paint, gel, aqueous suspension)
Surface Conversion Application:
Mineralized surface conversion compounds are designed to be bead applied
to the bore of the inside layer of insulation by the insulation fabricator to
minimize installation cost. The numbers of beads on the ID of the insulation
depends on the pipe size being insulated. A bead is also applied at one end of
the insulation piece to act as “insurance” at every joint. Due to the physical
properties of the compound, it can be applied and shipped to the job of site
without sagging and skinning over.
The installation process is simple. The insulator installs the pipe
cover and rotates the insulation around the pipe and longitudinally to
distribute the compound onto the pipe. The beauty of the buffering system is
that 100% coverage is not critical. Using this installation method, testing
shows that coverage of better than 98% is achieved with this rotation and
sliding of the insulation.
Vapor Retarders and Protective Jackets:
One of the most critical
components on cold systems is the vapor barrier or vapor retarder as commonly
stated. Vapor barriers or retarers, comes in various forms. They include products such as, ASJ papers, FSK
paper, vapor barrier mastic, Mylar’s, proprietary and laminated self-adhesive
membranes. The recent introduction of low- perm, peel and stick, self healing
vapor barrier membranes are just what the doctor ordered! Although the cost is
approx. three times that of ASJ paper (a retarder), cost should not deter the
specifications these membranes! These new membranes are UV
Stable indoors and can eliminate the
need for an additional mechanical jacket,( making these comparatively less
expensive) where mechanical protection is not required.
For exterior applications, laminated rubberized bitumen self-sealing
membranes have been produced with various” skins “to make them impervious to
the elements. These membranes eliminate the need for expansion sleep joints by
providing 400% elongations before rupture; they expand and contract with the
system. Insulation can be applied, and then one peel and stick jacket provides
an excellent perm ultraviolet stability, excellent emissivity and sealed
weather protection.
Currently, the standard specification is for a vapor retarder jacket to
be installed under a protective mechanical jacket, such as PVC or Aluminum. The
vapor retarder of choice most commonly ASJ paper, which, if “crinkled” has lost
his vapor retarder properties. Furthermore, the seal on a metal or PVC jacket
is only as good as the installer is with the glue gun or caulking gun.
Engineers also are finding that expansion and contraction of piping systems
with PVC or metal jacketing can generate friction between the vapor retarder
and jacket, eventually wearing through the vapor retarder.
For a below ambient insulation system to
be successful and not contribute to the corrosion process, it must be specified
in the following manner:
Using a corrosion control coating ;or treatment,
the insulation to the application and environment,
adequate insulation thickness, Properly sealing the joints,
a superior vapor barrier, and
necessary, install a mechanical jacket to protect vapor barrier from physical
To be specific, the ultimate system
available today would be a joint sealed, closed cell foam insulation, bore
coated with a mineralization conversion compound, sealed with a self healing
low perm vapor barrier and mechanically protected with an aluminum or PVC
jacket where necessary for mechanical abuse protection. Exterior systems would
be jacketed with self healing, vapor barrier membrane without a mechanical
jacket. The cost of such system would be approx. 30% higher than typical
systems being installed today.
Comments have been made about the insulation industry and how difficult
it is to change the status quo, if the industry wants to solve this serious
corrosion under insulation problem; it has to change the specifications and
installation processes. Engineers must work closely with fabricators to find
solutions to this aspect of the problem; if it is not beyond a fabricator’s
capability. Communication levels among Engineering entities and installation
fabricators, installers and manufactures must increase. Alternate innovative
products are not always submitted under the guise of the increasing a
contractors profit margin. Better, alternative measure in the methods industry
must be considered on their merit rather than on the perceived intent of the
Coating the pipe before insulation is
applied will not solve all of the corrosion problem that exists in this
industry, but it will result in definite improvements. Through testing, proper
selection of materials and methods, and well- written and detailed
specifications, tremendous improvements can be made in controlling corrosion
problems. The following suggestions are
for industry:
industry must be committed to preventing corrosion ( primers or no coatings are
unacceptable );
and insulation specifications must be developed and must outline specific
coating system for each application; and must outline specific coating systems
for each applications;
and testing must be performed; and
the best vapor barrier, water proofing materials and insulation should be used.
On must projects, the initial costs to properly, prepare, coat and
install insulation and vapor barriers is minimal compared with the overall
project cost and invaluable when considering the cost of repair and replacement
and re-insulation of corroded systems ( not even considering the losses in the
production due to systems downtimes ). Systems installed today that are “value
engineered” make obsolescence an integral part of systems. Reducing corrosion
failures results in significant long-terms financial benefits. The safety and
environmental issues related to these failures must be factored in to the cost
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